Glass Display Board in YS Hallway_2019.jpg

Technology and Infrastructure

MPLF funds capital improvements to the Monrovia Public Library. We pay for Monrovia Public Library to replace a portion of the public-use computers in the Library every year. By the end of 2016 all of the computers will be replaced. The Foundation expects to begin the one-third cycle all over again, ensuring no computers available for the public is more than 3 years old.

MPLF purchased computer printers for patrons’ use in the children’s library as well.

MPLF funded “Sunday Drive” an art installation in the South Lobby of the Library in March 2016.

MPLF funded the “Maker Space” at the Library.

MPLF funded the self-checkout machines for the Library

MPLF funded the “Yellow Board” in the children’s area.

MPLF will sponsor the replacement of other Library infrastructure as the Library’s needs arise. 



The Library must meet the needs of the diverse members of the Monrovia community, and MPLF funds the programs that do this. As English author Rumer Godden said, “When you learn to read, you will be born again … and you will never be quite so alone again.”  In Los Angeles County as much as 53% of adults cannot read. MPLF began a Literacy Services program to help remedy this situation, providing adults and children with the help they need to learn to read and write.

MPLF funds Adult Literacy Services, which provides one-to-one and group tutoring. A dedicated group of volunteers meets with learners 2-3 times per week. The program emphasizes building upon basic literacy skills such as reading, writing, and speaking English, computer skills, and health and financial literacy.  


Monrovia Public Library Summer Reading Program

MPLF made a generous donation to the Library’s 2018 Summer Reading Club. Children of all ages -- and adults -- participate in programs, shows, activities and more...all dedicated to making reading a fun and rewarding habit. Participants read, discover and create! See the full calendar of eventssign up, and help MPLF support even more literacy programs with your own donation.


Monrovia Reads Mobile Literacy Van

MPLF partnered with the City of Monrovia and Monrovia Reads to made a donation to the Monrovia Reads Mobile Literacy Van. MPLF paid to wrap the van and for the computers, book shelves and other operating items to enable the van to visit the five Monrovia elementary schools each weekday afternoon. The van helps project the power of the library to all Monrovia school children and bring the joy of reading to beyond the boundaries of the physical library.