June 3 2012: "Tea in the Garden"

The 2012 Literacy Tea Fundraiser welcomed guests to 144 guests to raise additional funds to support literacy and to raise awareness of this important program. Partnering with community members and especially the Volunteer Management Team made sure the event included:

·      Moving the event to the Library on a Sunday, offering an opportunity for those attending to enjoy the Library in a different setting;

·      Increasing the number of tables to 20, providing more opportunity for community members to contribute;

·      Hosting a silent auction of baskets that would appeal to all tastes;

·      Catering excellent food highlighting the cuisine from local vendors; and,

·      Providing beautiful live music.

The 2012 Tea grossed $5,500 in revenue and netted $5,284. Each table sponsor was responsible for selling eight tickets at $200 per table and decorating their tables. Seventeen people sponsored 18 tables, totaling $3,600. Seventeen baskets were purchased at the Silent Auction, totaling $1,900.