March 19 2011: "Alice's Afternoon Tea"


The inaugural “Alice’s Afternoon Tea” hosted 60 guests at 10 tables to learn about and support Monrovia Public Library Foundation’s community-building program for adult Literacy Services.  The program trains local volunteers to tutor adults to read and write.

Participants enjoyed an afternoon of tea, pastries and sandwiches at the Monrovia community room. Raffle prizes included make-up palettes and yoga classes, to name a few.

Five members of the Volunteer Management Team, Library Staff and a Library Board member worked collaboratively to plan and implement the program. This year the fundraising goal for the event was to beat last year’s $5,500. The event included a silent auction of 25 themed baskets, a live auction of an iPad, an iPad mini, an autographed Galaxy hockey jersey, and a Norman Rockwell serigraph, music and a variety of teas.

Guest speakers included three learners who currently participate in the Adult and Family Literacy programs. Each speaker gave their respective testimonials on the benefits they received through their literacy efforts, supported by Monrovia Public Library Foundation.

119 people attended. 11 table hosts were responsible for setting and decorating 13 tables for themselves and seven guests. Some hosts invited literacy program learners and tutors to fill in their tables. Three additional tables seated even more guests.

The event promoted community-wide recognition of the critical nature of illiteracy and the Library’s commitment to improving our community through literacy services. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity to highlight the impact of literacy on our community, and the ability our services have to transform the lives of others.

The Tea netted $7,742 for the literacy program. Ticket sales, silent and live auction sales, plant sales and generous cash donations totaled a gross income of $11,181.